When it comes to MIG and TIG welding, new developments in technology and safety standards have made for a much less risky process. That said, nothing involving hot flames is ever going to be completely safe, and it’s important to take precautions.
That’s why we’ve put together our official breakdown of some of the most important safety equipment for the process. So join us, and let’s get you covered up!
Personal Protective Equipment for Welding (PPE)
Helmets and Helmets
When we think of welding EPPs, the classic welding helmet is one of the first things that comes to mind. Accessories like these are, pretty much, the most common thing associated with the welding process.
The more passive welding helmets use auto-darkening to shield their wearers’ eyes from the bright light of the arc being used. Professional units might use more advanced technology to achieve similar results to higher degrees of success.
The end-goal is simply to protect your vision, in whatever way you can. Not just yours, but every member of your team, which makes actually wearing them extremely important.
If your vision is an important safety factor during the welding process, your lungs are absolutely crucial. Becoming suddenly unable to breathe is certainly terrifying, but can also lead to other issues, accidents, and unexpected problems.
Respiratory protection has gained a lot of ground in recent years, and for good reason. Robust respiratory protection systems provide consistent airflow, while half-mask respirators protect your lungs from fumes and dust.
Hand, Ear, and Skin Protection
Your hands and extremities are in danger whenever you’re working near sharpened or super-heated workshop tools. Your hands are easily the most important tool in your workshop, not to mention being important to your life, in general. From heavy-duty gloves to more lightweight TIG gloves, you can get the flexibility you need to work with the protection you need to live.
Noise-isolating headphones, meanwhile, offer hearing protection in situations where you are exposed to loud welding noises. Mig welding, typically, occupies the same decibel range as a motorcycle revving. This, alone, isn’t damaging to your ears but can cause issues over long periods of time. With noise cancellation, you remove the issue, creating a safer, more comfortable work environment.
Lastly, flame-resistant gloves and welding jackets help to protect your skin from sparks and flashes of heat. Heat damage and injuries don’t have to be “part of the process” with solder and welding protection products.
Safety Equipment
Ultimately, no matter how cautious you are in the workshop, accidents can and often will happen. That’s why it’s important to use safety equipment at all times and always put your own safety first.
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